Technology Feature
Note: I began writing my feature, this is my intro.
The Webster’s dictionary definition of technology is “the
use of science in industry, engineering, etc., to invent useful things or to
solve problem”.
The Cambridge dictionary defines it as “the
methods for using scientific discoveries for practical purposes, esp. in industry”
They are both definitions that leave the door wide open for an
individual to interpret it as they will.
In the era we live in currently, the term “technology” has
been narrowed down today into smart phones and TV screens as well as laptops and
iPods , however technology is so much
more elaborate than that.
The human species' usage of technology started with the transformation
of resources garnered from nature into basic utensils and tools. Then there was
the monumental, prehistoric unearthing of how to control fire which was followed
was the development of the wheel, which allowed humans to travel in and control
their environment.
As time the decades progressed, so did the technological
The printing press in_____ , the telephone made by ____ in
____ , and eventually the Internet, have continually made it easier to
communicate and have made it possible
for us to intermingle at will across the globe.
Those are just the regularly thought of types when really, almost
anything could be considered technology tooth brush is technology. So is an
apple peeler. I use such random examples because a lot of technology just
becomes a fundamental part of life.
In a perfect world, technology would make the world a
flawless place to live in, while everyone is happy and there are no issues
whatsoever. As we all very well know, we do not live in a perfect world.
Technology does lead to issues. It uses up some natural
resources, it becomes more of a priority then it probably should and it could
be physically damaging as well.
This piece will discuss the various ways, positive and
negative, obvious and obscure, that technology is an ingrained part of the world
we live in today.
Word 21: Posh
Source Info:
Original Sentence: According to New York Post's Emily Smith, out-of-work quarterback Johnny Manziel and his friends trashed a posh Los Angeles home they were renting and the real estate broker who discovered the damage said that there were clear signs of drug use at the house.
Dictionary Definition: very attractive, expensive, and popular
My Sentence: The posh blonde actress stood out in the crowd because of her material goods she was wearing.
Word 22: Sordid Source Info:
Original Sentence: Broker Nicholas Goodwin has demanded $32,000 from Manziel for damages, and he his lawyer spelled out the sordid details.
Dictionary Definition: very bad or dishonest
My Sentence: After the robbery, sordid details were released regarding the brutality of the thieves on the hostages
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