Friday, May 6, 2016

Blog 13 ]+ Tech Story + Words of the Week

Revamped Tech Story

The Webster’s dictionary definition of technology is “the use of science in industry, engineering, etc., to invent useful things or to solve problem”.

The Cambridge dictionary defines it as “the methods for using scientific discoveries for practical purposes,esp. in industry”
They are both definitions that leave the door wide open for an individual to interpret it as they will.

In the era we live in currently, the term “technology” has been narrowed down today into smart phones and TV screens as well as laptops and iPods , however technology is so much more elaborate than that.

The human species' usage of technology started with the transformation of resources garnered from nature into basic utensils and tools. Then there was the monumental, prehistoric unearthing of how to control fire which was followed was the development of the wheel, which allowed humans to travel in and control their environment.

As time the decades progressed, so did the technological inventions. The printing press, the telephone, and eventually the Internet, have continually made it easier to communicate and have made it possible for us to intermingle at will across the globe.

Those are just the regularly thought of types when really, almost anything could be considered technology tooth brush is technology. So is an apple peeler. I use such random examples because a lot of technology just becomes a fundamental part of life. 

In a perfect world, technology would make the world a flawless place to live in, while everyone is happy and there are no issues whatsoever. As we all very well know, we do not live in a perfect world. 

Technology does lead to issues. It uses up some natural resources, it becomes more of a priority then it probably should and it could be physically damaging as well.

The technology I’m talking about is the kind that we so commonly think of today. Phones, laptops, Television and video games and so on.  

People use them and they use them a lot. I felt like establishing what the actual definition of technology before diving into my piece. 

This piece will discuss the various ways, positive and negative, obvious and obscure, in which that certain type of technology has become ingrained in life. 

I recently went to the movie theater to watch the Walt Disney’s most recent installment of “The Jungle Book”. The story, while obviously a fantasy, folklore and fiction film, had some interesting and thought provoking themes.

For those who don’t know the movie, the classic story features a child abandoned in the wild, adopted into a pack of wolves and became known as a “man cub”. All of the animals in the jungle don’t mind the young child, except for the man eating tiger.

The plot of the movie is basically getting the young child safely to a village.
Now right about now you might be wondering how in the heck this relates to an article on technology.
Well, along his journey home, the boy has to use what in the movie is referred to as “skills” to travel
safely through the jungle. The skills he has are his human ability to create, to invent.
As a human, he had the ability to quickly use the resources provided around him in the wild to create
contraptions making his travels more efficient, safe, and productive.
This is where my story leads.
The ability to adapt and create has been and continues to be a pivotal and necessary part of our species
Its hard to think of anything today that wasn’t at one point that cant be considered technology or
doesn’t use some sort of technology to be created.
Think about it.
In my personal life, technology is integral.
A life without technology literally dates back centuries. A society/community without using any style
nonexistent these days and I don’t think there really ever has been.
In third world countries, the usage of technology is just as big of a deal as it is for some of the wealthier nations but in different facets. These countreis are still developing but use the other forms of technology as mentioned previously. They arent focused on getting the newest and highest preforming gizmos and gadgets, they are more focused about getting through their day with food and shelter.
The point of this article is that technology is all around us and has been forever. It’s part of human culture.
Today the popular usage of the word has been narrowed down into a couple of handheld gadgets that have the ability to retireive information in a matter of seconds. have be
These high tech pieces of equipment have become come the number one need for individuals.
There are loans given for these phones because people need them to function in society.
Society itself is transitioning to a point where they need technology and vice versa.
Technology isn’t a new idea.
As time moves forward, more inventions will be created and technology will continue to be a crucial part of society.
Sidebar information: For a sidebar, I would list some of the monumental inventions of technology that still leave their mark. This would include items such as fire, the first tools, printing press, the first computer, and then a separate sidebar featuring less appreciated and random but just as integral types of technology like pens and pencils, a cup, and stuff along those lines

Word 29: Viscous
Source Info:
Original Sentence: It came in a game against the Rockies, who usually gag on the thick, viscous sea air.
Dictionary Definition: of a liquid : thick or sticky : not flowing easily
My Sentence:The pressure causes the soft metal to flow like a viscous solid

Word 30: Somber  
Source Info:
Original Sentence: The University of Miami graduation ceremonies took a somber turn on Thursday night as Racquel Smith, the widow of slain retired NFL standout Will Smith received his MBA on his behalf.
Dictionary Definition: very sad and serious
My Sentence: Reminiscing on lost loved ones doesn't always need to carry a somber tone if you talk about the happy moments too.