Friday, February 26, 2016

Words 07 & 08

 Picture of the Week:
Someone got a new puppy!

Word 07: Cynosure
Original Sentence: Echoing Government's Make in India ethos, the cynosure of Uflex's exhibit is the upcoming aseptic packaging plant at Sanand, Gujarat for packing liquid products.
Dictionary Definition: a person or thing that attracts a lot of attention or interest
My Sentence: Stephen Curry is an example of a cynosure because wherever he goes are mobs of fans and paparazzi

 Word 08: Plethora
Source Info:
 Original Sentence: There are a plethora of smartwatches and other wearables available today, but when it comes to smartwatches, one device has far surpassed all the others.
Dictionary Definition: a very large amount or number : an amount that is much greater than what is necessary
My Sentence: The hiking path had a plethora of poison oak which caused all hikers who went on it to get poison oak all over their bodies

Friday, February 19, 2016

Blog 03 + Words 05 and 06

 Picture of the Week

A combination of two Bay Area legends

Utilizing the MLK Library
  •  Public Relations and advertising librarian Paul Kauppila, taught the class some strategies of how to best utilize the MLK library and library website on Tuesday, February 16th .
  • The MLK library is full of resources including books, e-books, and music all which are reliable and can give you credible information.
  • The library utilities are useful and anyone can receive acess they just need a PIN number or a Library card. Some of the resources available include the public San Jose database but also get access to the Mercury News database.
  • Kauppila’s page numerous has databases related to Journalism and Mass Communication you  and there are separate tags for more focused articles.
  •   Kauppila,  takes reference appointments on the 4th floor. He can help students choose paper topics, as well as  help sort through the handy, yet intricate library databases.
  •   Kauppila's opinoion on Wikipediais that its bette  than it used to be,but still shouldn't but used as a reference. His suggestion was to got to the bottom and look for other references/sources.  It's possible can search the library databases  by author, title, keywords, or subject.
  • Copyright:     Students are basically protected because of educational purposes,  students are covered on assignments turned in in class/onlinestudents are NOT covered if posted on a public blog
AP Style Book Questions: 

1. The riots that took place occured in ( a. Baltimore, MD; b. Baltimore, Maryland; c. Baltimore;
d. Balltimore ).   Answer: c. 

2. ____ boys help out during certain religious services.  ( a. alter; b. alltar; c. alther; d. altar ). Answer: d.

3.  Billy went to the principals office ____ the teacher told him to. ( a. seeing; b. because; c. since; d. considering ). Answer: b.

4. The region of San Jose, San Fransisco and Oakland is known better as the _____ Area ( a. Bay; b. Bae; c. bay d. BAY ). Answer: a.

Words 05 & 06:

Word 05: Bloviate

Source Info:;_ylt=A86.JyiUbsdW40wAWS0nnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByYnR1Zmd1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--?qid=20100415135244AAPJjs2&p=bloviate%20sentence
Original Sentence: Bloviating is definitely not the best way to make friends.
Dictionary Definition:to speak pompously; brag
My Sentence:His bloviation about his good grades this morning only made everyone aggravated.

Word 06: Dudgeon
Source Info: Cathy Kelly: Just Between Us
Original Sentence: Fine, so Rose had stormed off in high dudgeon over Hugh's affairs
Dictionary Definition: a feeling of offense or resentment; anger:
My Sentence: When the team lost the game, the home fans all left somewhat dudgeon

Monday, February 8, 2016

Blog 02 + Words 3 & 4

 Picture of the Week
 Beastmode does what he wants, when he wants to.

Lynch earned the nickname "Beastmode" for his running style. He gained 9,112 yards during his nine-year career and probably broke just as many tackles in the process. Whether it was the most exciting four-yard run you'll see or his more famous runs, Lynch was always a spectacle when he touched the ball. His most famous play became known as the "BeastQuake" but it was only one of a host of memorable plays.
Lynch started his career in Buffalo after being selected by the Bills in the first round. After four seasons, he was traded to Seattle, where his career soared to another level. Lynch was the foundation of Seattle's success. He ran for at least 1,200 yards in four-straight seasons, becoming arguably the best running back in the NFL in the process.
There was speculation Lynch might retire following last season. He eventually came back and played one last season before deciding to walk away.

My thoughts: As an aspiring sports journalist, I really like and appreciate the flow of Sandritter's writing. Throughout the piece I kept interested and entertained by the variety of different angles discussed while having the same general focus. I admire that Sandritter was informed on the topic      ( or so it seemed). He had facts, and stats to back up those facts and kept his opinions on the subject relatively disclosed.
This piece is an example of good writing because not only are there no errors, but he has knowledgeable and useful information throughout the entire excerpt. As a mentioned at the beginning, I appreciate the flow of the writer, and flow is an extremely important part of writing, and especially journalism. His voice is also very clear and calming on the reader. Rather than just throwing information  at the reader, Sandritter wrote the piece as more of an informational piece or like face to face conversation
Being a sports writer (which I assume Sandritter is) the style in which a piece is written is really particular, but not necessarily hard. It entails factual statements along with the stats to back it up. I think for the most part, Sandritter did a good job backing up all of the factual statements with information like his statistics throughout the season as well as the nickname he goes by.

Words 03 & 04

Word 03: Hoosegow
 Source Info:
Original Sentence: It's a long walk down to the hoosegow and I don't want to take you there
Dictionary Definition: a jail
My Sentence:  If crime in the city continues at this high rate there will be plenty of criminals in the hoosegow.

Word 04: Rambunctious
Source info:
Original Sentence:  Coming in at 1,496,070 likes, the most popular Instagram of the year belongs to that rambunctious singing man-child Justin Bieber.
Dictionary Definition: difficult to control or handle; wildly boisterous
My sentence: When the parent's brought home the puppy, its rambunctious attitude caused it to run into walls and slip on the slippery floor.  



Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Blog Post 01 Word 01-02 &+ in class activity

 Picture of the Week

 Super Bowl fever in the Bay Area
Hi Everyone!
My name is Ryan Vermont and I'm a Junior Journalism student here at San Jose State. Born and raised in San Jose, I transferred here from De Anza College in Cupertino last Fall, and am really enjoying the step up so far.

My interests/hobbies are pretty typical for a college student. I like hanging out with friends, eating food, going out, drinking a brew and watching the game, however most importantly I love my dog, my boxer named Diesel.

Its really hard to think of the most exciting thing I've ever done, but I eventually thought of one. I'm sure there has been something more important and impacting on my life, but a couple of years ago I went to Mexico and scuba dived. I went 40 feet underwater  for an extended period of time which is nothing for an experienced diver, although it was pretty exhilarating for me.

Sadly, I think the most interesting about me is the man-cave my brother and I have built over time in our garage. Its taken a lot of blood, sweat and tears and so I'm proud of it. It's the perfect place to watch big events on TV like the a political debate or a big sporting event.

Speaking of big sporting events, this year's Superbowl is at Levi's Stadium in. Its right around the corner in Santa Clara, and that's sort of a big deal.Its also a milestone Superbowl, number 50, which makes it even more special.

I definitely feel that throughout this week, there will be an obvious increase in the amount of people in the area. Traffic will probably increase, lines may be longer, however honestly I couldn't care about any of that.The Superbowl is a momentous occasion that doesn't come around often at all, and so us  "locals" or whatever were called should embrace the occasion.

 I'm excited to see and explore the Superbowl festivities that happen all week long among the Bay Area!

Word 01: Vehemently
Source Info:
Original Sentence: “One thing that I think is important for everybody to realize is they’re not saying things as click bait or just to say it,” Qerim explained. “They vehemently believe whatever they say.
Dictionary Definition:  zealous; ardent; impassioned:
My Sentence: Billy showed such vehement enthusiasm seeing Beyoncé in person that he started to sweat profusely.

 Word 02: Discernible
Source Info:
Original Sentence: But unless you venture off I-45 and make your way into town, you're not likely to remember much in the way of discernible features that make it look or feel any different from the next town over the horizon or the one you just passed a half hour earlier.
Dictionary Definition:  Distinguishable.
My sentence:
Black Holes are huge, mysterious objects in the universe with no discernible formation or location.


As I gazed at the 2 chips left on top of my napkin, I noticed the black markings on each orange chip. The chips were somewhat triangular, and jagged around the edges and also had some holes in them; the result of being smashed in a bag with the rest of the chips
As I took my first bite of the chip I could hear the first snap of the chip breaking, followed by a chewing and crunching that slowly dispersed as the chip disintegrated in my mouth. This process happened a number of times until the chip had been fully engulfed.
The touch of the chip was rough, and sort of bumpy. It was extremely dry, and wasn’t all that soothing. Certain parts of the chip were even kind of sharp (for a chip)
The smell of the chips was plain, and bland. There isn’t much to relate the smell too besides nothing. It doesn’t provide any sort of stimulation to my sense.
Lastly is taste. Very average tortilla chip flavor. I don’t necessarily dislike the flavor, but I look for more flavor in chips I enjoy. The proper dip or sauce would compliment them very well.